Terms of Services

Guestapost Technologies Terms of Services:

Welcome to Guest a Post

Guest a Post is a marketplace where sellers and buyers are meet and exchange their services. It is B2B and B2C marketplace. For better experience with us, please must care about these terms of services.


  1. Sellers/vendors are allowed to register on guestapost.com free of cost.
  2. After registration, start selling your guest posting & backlinking services by uploading your domains & blogs.
  3. Try to fill data in given table (Just change your stats and domain/blog name).
  4. Must hide your domain name in the table by stars (*). You can show first and last two characters of your domain name, hide rest of the characters by stars after counting. (Example: www.sample.com wil be www.sa**le.com).
  5. Logo/product images are not allowed. You can paste any relevant image url from Google in the product image plugin.
  6. Casino, Gambling, Pornography, Dating and Alcoholic Categories are not allowed.
  7. We only charge 10% commission on sales.
  8. Minimum payout is $150 and minimum time for payout is one week.
  9. Never cheat your buyers. After getting three complaints, you may lost your store.
  10. If buyers are not satisfied with your services, payments will be refunded within 48 hours, you can remove posts and backlinks immediately.


  1. Please carefully read details before placing orders.
  2. Pay advanced payment to Guestapost.com, Guestapost is a UK based registered firm and cares your money.
  3. Please wait till the given time for delivery.
  4. Sellers can charge extra for extra services if not given in details.
  5. Must share your honest reviews after delivery so that others can get benefit from it. (Fake & paid reviews are strictly forbidden).
  6. If you are not satisfied with the sellers’ services, cancel the order and claim for refunding your amount within 48 hours.