Guest Posting Site to Submit General article

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Guest Posting Site to Submit General article:


The world of digital content creation is constantly evolving, and guest posting has emerged as a powerful strategy for writers and website owners alike. By submitting general articles to reputable guest posting sites, you can reach a broader audience, establish your authority, and foster valuable connections within your industry. In this article, we will explore some of the best guest posting sites that accept general articles, along with their unique features and guidelines, empowering you to make informed decisions and maximize the impact of your content.

  1. Why Guest Posting Matters

Before we delve into the best platforms for guest posting, let’s briefly understand the importance of this content marketing approach. Guest posting allows writers to showcase their expertise and insights to a wider audience beyond their own website. By contributing to well-established platforms, authors can build credibility, increase their online presence, and attract new readers, followers, or customers.

For website owners, accepting guest posts brings numerous benefits as well. It adds diversity to their content offerings, introduces fresh perspectives, and fosters a sense of community and collaboration. Embracing guest posts can also attract more talented writers to contribute, enriching the overall content quality.

  1. Top Guest Posting Sites for General Articles

a) HubPages

HubPages is a popular online platform that covers a broad spectrum of topics, making it an ideal choice for submitting general articles. The site encourages creativity and in-depth analysis, making it suitable for writers looking to explore various subjects and engage with a diverse audience.

b) Bored Panda

Bored Panda is known for its entertaining and engaging content. While it focuses on lighter topics like art, photography, and lifestyle, there is room for thoughtful and insightful general articles as well. Contributing to Bored Panda can lead to increased exposure and shares on social media.

c) Thrive Global

Thrive Global, founded by Arianna Huffington, is dedicated to well-being, personal development, and work-life balance. Writers looking to share inspiring and motivational general articles will find Thrive Global an excellent platform to connect with readers seeking positive and uplifting content.

d) Thought Catalog

Thought Catalog is a widely read platform that covers an array of subjects, from personal experiences to societal observations. It welcomes thought-provoking and relatable general articles, making it an attractive option for writers aiming to connect with a wide audience.

e) Lifehacker

Lifehacker specializes in practical tips, hacks, and advice for everyday life. If you have insightful and actionable general articles to share that can help readers improve their daily routines, Lifehacker may be the perfect fit for your content.

  1. Submission Guidelines and Best Practices

Each guest posting site has its own submission guidelines and best practices. Before submitting your general articles, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the platform’s requirements. Here are some general tips to follow:

a) Unique and Original Content: Craft original and valuable articles that offer a fresh perspective or unique insights on the chosen topic. Avoid submitting content that has been previously published elsewhere.

b) Know the Audience: Tailor your article to suit the target audience of the guest posting site. Understanding the site’s readership will help you create content that resonates with them.

c) Follow Editorial Guidelines: Adhere to the guest posting site’s editorial guidelines, which may include formatting, word count, and style preferences. Ignoring these guidelines may result in your submission being rejected.

d) Engage with the Community: Once your article is published, engage with the audience by responding to comments and feedback. Building a connection with readers can lead to increased visibility and positive engagement.


In conclusion, guest posting remains a valuable strategy for writers and website owners looking to expand their online presence and influence. By submitting general articles to reputable guest posting sites, you can reach a larger and more diverse audience while establishing your expertise in your chosen field. Remember to consider the platform’s focus, audience, and submission guidelines when choosing where to submit your content. Embrace best practices, and let your compelling general articles captivate readers and elevate your content marketing efforts to new heights.


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